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专家交流汇报—Sanjai Parikh博士(加州大学戴维斯分校)


20201114日(星期六)上午8:30-11:00,美国加州大学戴维斯分校终身副教授Sanjai Parikh博士受课题组邀请以网络视频形式为我们讲述土壤化学研究进展”。课题组全体师生都将积极参加并进行交流。

报告人简介:Sanjai Parikh博士是美国土壤科学学会土壤化学分会主席,加州州长规划办公室联合主席和研究指导委员会成员,主要从事土-水界面生物化学过程的研究,发表文章68篇,被引次数1300多次,H指数20

The research of Associate Professor Sanjai Parikh is focused on sustaining and improving soil, human, and global health by addressing a wide-range of biogeochemical processes between minerals, organic matter, microbes, and plants in the soil and water environment. My basic and applied research considers both temporal and spatial scales to study contaminant fate, soil and water remediation, nutrient availability, and carbon storage.