
王钢 教授





中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院 土壤与水科学系 主任

中国农业大学国家乡村振兴研究院革命老区研究中心 副主任

中国农业大学科研诚信委员会 委员

中国农业大学党外高级知识分子联谊会 理事兼秘书长

邮编:北京100193;电子邮件: gangwang@cau.edu.cn

电话:+86 10 6273 558;手机:+86 137 1603 2678



王钢博士领导的土壤和水环境生态系统研究组(Soil & Water Ecosystems Biophysics,简称SWEB)研究方向包括:1)环境和农林废弃物资源化利用技术与碳中和绿色可持续发展;2)土壤关键养分元素和水资源的生物地球化学循环规律和农业高效利用;3)微生物多样性的成因与维持机制以及其环境和生态效应;4)土壤健康和全球/区域“土地--粮食-气候”纽带关系,以(共同)通讯或一作在包括《Nature Communications》、《Current Biology》、《ISME Journal》《npj Biofilms Microbiomes》、《Soil Biology & Biochemistry》等主流期刊发表研究论文 60 余篇,被引 3300 余次(google scholar),H-index 指数 28。主持包括国家科技创新领军人才项目、国家海外高层次青年人才项目、国家重点研发计划专项课题、国家自然科学基金项目等在内的多项科研项目,经费 1600 余万元。王钢博士目前指导博士后 名、博士研究生 名、硕士研究生 名;已指导博士后 名(出站)、博士毕业生 名、硕士毕业生 17 名、本科毕业生 名,其中 人获得校优秀毕业生,人获北京市优秀毕业生,获北京市大学生科学研究与创业行动计划项目优秀指导教师称号。


2019-10 至今:          教授/系主任,中国农业大学,土壤与水科学系,北京










2008-082012-05:博士,土壤学,苏黎世联邦理工,导师:Dani Or,美国国家工程院院士








2015:密歇根州立大学VISTAS 高级研究Fellow,美国




17.   拼多多-中国农业大学研究基金,黑土地农田土壤健康与养分循环微生物调控机理(PC2023B02007),20万元,2024-02 至 2025-02,主持

16.   国家重点研发计划专项,课题保护性农业提升黑土地水土资源承载力技术模式与示范(2022YFD5002005390万元,2022-112027-10,主持

15.   国家自然科学基金-面上项目,土壤噬菌体细菌互作模式及其对土壤微生物多样性和群落结构的影响机制研究(4227729866万元,2023-012026-12,主持

14.   教育部高端外国专家引进计划,黑土地保护与碳中和可持续利用关键技术集成和示范应用36万元,2022-012023-12,主持(项目编号:G2022108011L

13.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,中国农业大学2115人才培育发展支持计划青年科学家创新团队(0010901280万元,2019-102023-09,主持

12.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,土壤学科国际化提升《土壤与水科学国际合作线上交流项目》本科教改项目,36000元,2021-012021-12,主持

11.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,土壤学科国际化提升在线讲座和课程《全球视野提升在线土壤学课程》本科教改项目,10000元,2020-012020-12,主持

10.   教育部外国文教专家项目,黑土地现代农业与土地保护关键技术研究与展望44万元,2019-012020-12,主持(项目编号:G20190001094

9.      国家自然科学基金-面上项目,京津冀典型地区再生水灌溉农田土壤抗生素抗性基因分布特征与演变模式(4187741274.4万元,2019-012022-12,主持

8.      中央高校双一流建设项目土壤植物互作过程的原位观测和数字模拟技术实验平台199.5万元,2019-012019-12,主持

7.      中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,长期耕作措施对农田土壤抗性基因分布及其演变的影响模式研究20万元,2019-012019-12,主持

6.      第十二批国家高层次青年人才项目,300万元,20162019,主持

5.      国家重点研发计划专项,子课题不同地力水平土壤微生物-微结构互作对养分(氮磷)持留与供应水平的影响(2016YFD020030695万元,2016-012020-12,主持

4.      中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,北方旱地耕作管理措施对作物生长和根区土壤特性的影响及机理49.7万元,2016-012016-12,主持

3.      中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,基于定量离散化生物物理模型的土壤微生物多样性影响机制研究100万元,2015-012017-12,主持

2.      国家自然科学基金-青年基金,基于微观水文-物理模型的土壤微生物多样性影响机制研究(4140126526万元,2015-012017-12,主持

1. 美国农业部AFRI Grant“Hydro-biophysical processes shaping microbial contamination in fresh produce”50万美元,2013-2016,副主持(负责经费约10万美元)


《土地碳中和生态系统》      本科生课程(中国农业大学)                  春季,2022 —

《土壤学》                              本科生课程(中国农业大学)                  春季,2021 —

《土壤学导论》                      本科生课程(中国农业大学)                  秋季,2018 —

《一对一学业咨询》              本科生校级公共课(中国农业大学)      全年,2018 —

《土壤环境质量》                  本科生课程(中国农业大学)                  秋季,2018 —2021

《土壤化学》                          研究生课程(中国农业大学)          春季,2016 —2018


European Journal of Soil Science》客座主编



Soil Ecology Letters》编委

中国农业大学国家乡村振兴研究院革命老区研究中心 副主任

中国农业大学科研诚信委员会 委员

中国土壤学会 理事

中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会 主任

中—美土壤学会双边合作工作组 成员

中国土壤学会国际合作与交流工作委员会 委员

中国土壤学会土壤质量标准化工作委员会 委员

京土壤学会 常务理事



四川省崇州市乡村振兴专家咨询委员会 委员




3.    Hopmans JW, …, 王钢, . 世界土壤盐渍化现状与研究挑战白皮书“Critical Knowledge Gaps and Research Priorities in Global Soil Salinity. Advances in Agronomy (ISSN 0065-2113), Elsevier 出版社, 2021, 169, pp 1-192. (Citation 185)

2.    王钢*,等. 优化水质——有害生物去除. 《欧盟水肥一体化技术》, 邹国元等,译. 中国农业出版社, 2020

1.   王钢*,陈国炜, 王燕. 微生物在土壤重金属污染修复中的作用和影响机制. 《设施农田生态系统重金属污染控制原理与技术》, 乔玉辉等 . 中国农业大学出版社, 2016.


Wang G. Linking Diffusional Heterogeneity and Aquatic Habitat Fragmentation with Microbial Coexistence and Diversity in the Vadose Zone. ETH Zurich, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-007580042


73. Wu HQ, Ma ZC, Ruan CJ, Hu W, Han M, Wan W, Wang YY, Zvomuya F, Liang C, Liu Y*, Wang G*. 2024. Effects of soil moisture on soil viral reproductive strategies in an agricultural soil. European Journal of Soil Science. 75(4), e13531.

72. Ruan CJ, Ramoneda J, Kan A, Rudge TJ, Wang G*, Johnson DR*. 2024. Phage predation accelerates the spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance. Nature Communications. 15: 5397.

71. Liu Y, Du MY, Shu SY, Wei J, Zhu K, Wang G*. 2024. Bacterial surface properties and transport behavior actively respond to an extracellular polymeric substance gradient in saturated porous media. Science of The Total Environment, 173889.

70.  Wu FZ, Yuan C, Ruan CJ, Zheng MQ, Liu L, Wang G, Chen GW*. 2024. Coagulation promotes the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in secondary effluents. Environmental Pollution. 355, 124245.

69.   Han M, Zhu X, Ruan C, Wu H, Chen G, Zhu K, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2024. Micro-biophysical interactions at bacterium-mineral interfaces determine potassium dissolution. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 33, 103524.

68.   吴汉卿, 阮楚晋, 韩苗, 王钢*. 2024. 土壤病毒之奥秘:研究进展、挑战及未来展望. 微生物学报. 10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.20230551

67.   Wang Y, Zhu K, Chen X, Wei K, Wu R, Wang G*. 2024. Stochastic and deterministic assembly processes of bacterial communities in different soil aggregates. Applied Soil Ecology. 193, 105153.

66.   李保国, 周虎, 王钢, 刘刚, 高伟达, 朱堃, 陈冲. 2023. 探索透明土壤体:土壤孔隙学的时代已经启航. 土壤学报. 60(5), 1221-1230.

65.   Wang G*, Liu Y*, Yan Z, Chen D, Fan J, Ghezzehei TA. 2023. Soil physics matters for the land–water–food–climate nexus and sustainability. European Journal of Soil Science. 74 (6), e13444.

64.   Han M, Niu X, Xiong G, Ruan C, Chen G, Wu H, Liu Y, Zhu K, Wang G*. 2023. Isolation, characterization and genomic analysis of the novel Arthrobacter sp. phage SWEP2. Archives of Virology. 168, 276.

63.   Li X, Chen G*, Liu L, Wang G. 2023. Anaerobic sludge digestion elevates dissemination risks of bacterial antibiotic resistance in effluent supernatant. Journal of Environmental Management. 338, 117854.

62.   Ermolieva T, HavlÇk P, Lessa-Derci-Augustynczik A, Boere E, Frank S, Kahil T, Wang G, Balkovic J, Skalsky R, Folberth C, Komendantova N, Knopov PS. 2023. A novel robust meta-model framework for prediction crop yield probality distributions using multisource date. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 59(5), 844-858.

61.   Ran H, Wang Y, Wei K, Liu Y, Wang G, Zhu K*. 2023. Spatial and temporal changes of charosphere hotspots with or without nitrogen additions. Biochar. 5, 49.

60.   Manzoor N, Liaqat A, AL-Huqail AA, Alghanem SMS, Al-Haithloul HAS, Abbas T, Chen GW, Huan LY, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2023. Comparative efficacy of silicon and iron oxide nanoparticles towards improving the plant growth and mitigating arsenic toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 264, 115382.

59.   Ruan C, Borer B, Ramoneda J, Wang G*, Johnson DR*. 2023. Evaporation-induced hydrodynamics control plasmid transfer during surface-associated microbial growth. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 9, 58.

58.   Ermolieva T, Ermoliev Y, Havlik P, Lessa-Derci-Augustynczik A, Komendantova N, Kahil T, Balkovic J, Skalsky R, Folberth C, Knopov PS, Wang G. 2023. Connections between robust statistical estimation, robust decision-making with two-stage stochastic optimization, and robust machine learning problems. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 59, 385-397.

57.   Ye X, Ran HY, Wang X, Li GT, Ambus P, Wang G, Zhu K*. 2023. Delayed nitrogen application after straw and charred straw addition altered the hot moment of soil N2O emissions. European Journal of Soil Science. 74, e13349.

56.   Hanqing Wu, Sichen Wan, Chujin Ruan, Wei Wan, Miao Han, Guowei Chen, Ying Liu, Kun Zhu, Chao Liang, Gang Wang*. 2023. Soil microbial necromass: The state-of-the-art, knowledge gaps, and future perspectives. European Journal of Soil Biology. 115, 103472.

55.   Ruan C, Ramoneda J, Gogia G, Wang G*, Johnson DR*. 2022. Fungal hyphae regulate bacterial diversity and plasmid-mediated functional novelty during range expansion. Current Biology, 32(24): 5285-5294.e4.

54.   Manzoor N, Ali L, Ahmed T, Rizwan M, Ali S, Shahid MS, Schulin R, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2022. Silicon oxide nanoparticles alleviate chromium toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental Pollution. 315, 120391. doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120391.

53.   Wu H, Wan S, Ruan C, Niu X, Chen G, Liu Y, Zhu K, Schulin R, Wang G*. 2022. Phage-bacterium interactions and nutrient availability can shape C and N retention in microbial biomass. European Journal of Soil Science, 73, e13296. doi: 10.1111/ejss.13296

52.   Manzoor N, Ali L, Ahmed T, Noman M, Adress M, Shahid MS, Ogunyemi SO, Radwan KSA, Wang G*, Zaki HEM*. 2022. Recent advancements and development in nano-enabled agriculture for improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science.  13, 951752. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.951752

51.   Zhu K, Ran H, Wang F, Ye X, Niu L, Schulin R, Wang G*. 2022. Conservation tillage facilitated soil carbon sequestration through diversified carbon conversions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 337, 108080. doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108080

50.   王燕, 阮楚晋, 谢文琳, 朱堃, 陈国炜, 刘莹, 王钢*. 2022. 微观水分和养分条件对铜绿假单胞菌噬菌体裂解宿主过程的影响. 土壤学报. DOI:10.11766/trxb202201070528

49.   吴汉卿, 阮楚晋, 万炜, 李胜龙, 裴丁仪, 韩苗, 陈国炜, 刘莹, 朱堃, 王钢*. 2022. 基于知识图谱分析的土壤氮循环功能基因研究进展. 土壤学报. DOI:10.11766/trxb202110270580

48.   韩苗, 阮楚晋, 韩峥, 魏芯蕊, 刘莹, 朱堃, 王钢*. 2022. 空间组织模式:微生物群落组装的游戏规则.微生物学通报. doi.org/10.13344/j.microbiol.china.220149

47.   朱晓艳, 韩苗, 韩天富, 韩峥, 王钢*. 2022. 铜绿假单胞菌在液滴界面的二维和三维运动特征. 微生物学报. doi.org/10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.20210752

46.   Du B, Wang S, Chen G, Wang G, Liu L*. 2022. Nutrient starvation intensifies chlorine disinfection-stressed biofilm formation. Chemosphere. 295, 133827.

45.   Zhu K, X Ye, H Ran, P Zhang, G Wang*. 2022. Contrasting effects of straw and biochar on microscale heterogeneity of soil O2 and pH: Implication for N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 166, 108564.

44.   Chen G, Z Hu, A Ebrahimi, DR Johnson, F Wu, Y Sun, R Shen, L Liu, G Wang*. 2022. Electrotaxis-mediated cell motility and nutrient availability determine Chlamydomonas microsphaera-surface interactions in bioelectrochemical systems. Bioelectrochemistry. 143, 107989.

43.   阮楚晋, 熊广州, 牛欣尧, 陈国炜, 吴汉卿, 马泽超, 朱堃, 刘莹, 王钢*. 2022. 一个东北农田黑土样品宏病毒组的初步分析. 土壤学报, 59(5): 1447-1456.

42.   Wang Y, Chen G, Sun Y, Zhu K, Jin Y, Li B, Wang G*. 2022. Different agricultural practices specify bacterial community compositions in the soil rhizosphere and root zone. Soil Ecology Letters, 4, 18-31.

41.   韩苗, 朱晓艳, 陈国炜, 万小铭, 王钢*. 2022. 解钾菌及其释钾微观机制的研究进展. 土壤学报, 59(2), 334-348.

40.   Chen G, Z Hu, A Ebrahimi, DR Johnson, F Wu, S Sun, R Shen, L Liu, G Wang*. 2021. Chemotactic movement and zeta potential dominate Chlamydomonas microsphaera attachment and biocathode development. Environmental Technology. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.2014575

39.   Ruan C, J Ramoneda, G Chen, DR Johnson, G Wang*. 2021. Evaporation-induced hydrodynamics promote conjugation-mediated plasmid transfer in microbial populations. ISME Communications. 1, 54. doi.org/10.1038/s43705-021-00057-5.

38.   Sun Y, M Sun, G Chen, X Chen, B Li, G Wang*. 2021. Aggregate sizes regulate the microbial community patterns in sandy soil profile. Soil Ecology Letters. Doi: 10.1007/s42832-021-0095-1.

37.   Ruan C, X Niu, G Xiong, G Chen, H Wu, Z Ma, K Zhu, Y Liu, G Wang*. 2021. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the new Bacillus cereus phage SWEP1. Archives of Virology. 166(11), 3183-3188. doi:10.1007/s00705-021-05222-8.

36.   Du M, Wang L, Ebrahimi A, Chen G, Shu S, Zhu K, Shen C, Li B, Wang G*. 2021. Extracellular polymeric substances induced cell-surface interactions facilitate bacteria transport in saturated porous media. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 218, 112291.

35.   Wang C, Ma X, Wang G, Li G, Zhu K*. 2021. Implication of O2 dynamics for both N2O and CH4 emissions from soil during biological soil disinfestation. Scientific Reports. 11, 6590. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-86026-3.

34.   冉洪芋, 叶馨, 朱晓艳, 王钢, 朱堃*. 2021. 平面光极基本原理及其在土壤微观异质性研究中的应用. 土壤, 53(5), 916-928.

33.   Manzoor N, T Ahmed, M Noman, M Shahid*, M Mudassir Nazir, L Ali, A Maqsood, B Li, R Schulin, G Wang*. 2021. Iron oxide nanoparticles ameliorated the cadmium and salinity stresses in wheat plants, facilitating photosynthetic pigments and restricting cadmium uptake. Science of the Total Environment. 769, 145221.

32.   Ahmed T, M Noman, N Manzoor, M Shahid, M Abdullah, L. Ali, G Wang, A Hashem, ABF Al-Arjani, AA Alqarawi, EF Abd_Allah, B Li*. 2021. Nanoparticle-based amelioration of drought stress and cadmium toxicity in rice via triggering the stress responsive genetic mechanisms and nutrient acquisition. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 209, 111829.

31.   Wang G, N Han, L Liu, Z Ke, B Li, G Chen*. 2020. Molecular density regulating electron transfer efficiency of S. oneidensis MR-1 mediated roxarsone biotransformation. Environmental Pollution. 262, 114370.

30.   Zhao R, G Chen*, L Liu, W Zhang, Y Sun, B Li, G Wang. 2020. Bacterial foraging facilitates aggregation of Chlamydomonas microsphaera in an organic carbon source-limited aquatic environment. Environmental Pollution. 259, 113924.

29.   Du B, Y Gu, G Chen, G Wang, L Liu*. 2020. Flagellar motility mediates early-stage biofilm formation in oligotrophic aquatic environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 194, 110340.

28.   Chen G, N Zhu, Z Hu, L Liu, GQ Wang, G Wang*. 2020. Motility changes rather than EPS production shape aggregation of Chlamydomonas microsphaera in aquatic environment. Environmental Technology. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2020.1718216.

27.   朱晓艳, 沈重阳, 陈国炜, 张伟, 李保国, 王钢*. 2019. 土壤细菌趋化性研究进展. 土壤学报. 56(2), 259-275.

26.   Tang Y, X Wang, Y Yan, H Zeng, G Wang, W Tan, F Liu, X Feng*. 2019. Effects of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, ferrihydrite coating, ionic strength and pH on the transport of TiO2 nanoparticles in quartz sand. Environmental Pollution. 252, 1193-1201.

25.   Chen GW, R Xu, L Liu, H Shi, GQ Wang, G Wang*. 2018. Limited carbon source retards inorganic arsenic release during roxarsone degradation in Shewanella oneidensis microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology. 102(18), 8093-8106.

24.   Wang G, Y Wang, L Liu, Y Jin, N Zhu, X Li, BG Li, GQ Wang, GW Chen*. 2018. Comprehensive assessment of microbial aggregation characteristics of activated sludge bioreactors using fuzzy clustering analysis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 162, 296-303.

23.   Chen GW, H Liu, W Zhang, BG Li, L Liu, G Wang*. 2018. Roxarsone exposure jeopardizes nitrogen removal and regulates bacterial community in biological sequential batch reactors. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 159, 232-239.

22.   Zhang C, A Yan, G Wang, C Jin, Y Chen, C Shen*. 2018. Impact of flow velocity on transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in saturated porous media. Vadose Zone Journal. 17, 180019. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.01.0019.

21.   Chen Z, W Zhang*, G Wang, Y Zhang, Y Gao, SA Boyd, BJ Teppen, JM Tiedje, D Zhu*, H Li*. 2017. Bioavailability of soil-sorbed tetracycline to Escherichia coli under unsaturated conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 51(11), 6165-6173.

20.   Liu L, QY Hu, Y Le, Q Xu, GW Chen, G Wang*. 2017. Chlorination-mediated EPS excretion shapes early-stage biofilm formation in drinking water systems. Process Biochemistry. 55, 41-48.

19.   Liu L, Y Liu, Q Lu, G Chen, G Wang*. 2017. Assessing comprehensive performance of biofilm formation and water quality in drinking water distribution systems. Water Supply. 17: 267-278.

18.   Lazouskaya V, T Sun, L Liu, G Wang, Y Jin*. 2016. Effect of surface properties on colloid retention on natural and surrogate produce surfaces. Journal of Food Science. 81(12), E2956-E2965.

16.   Chen GW, ZC Ke, T Liang, L Liu*, G Wang*. 2016. Shewanella oneidensis MR‑1-induced Fe(III) reduction facilitates roxarsone transformation. PLoS One. 11(4), e0154017.

15.   Zhu N, L Liu, Q Xu, GW Chen*, G Wang*. 2015. Resources availability mediated EPS production regulates microbial cluster formation in activated sludge system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 279, 129-135.


14.  Wang G* and D Or. 2014. Trophic interactions induce spatial self-organization of microbial consortia on rough surface. Scientific Reports. 4, 6757.

13.   Chen C, KL Hu*, W Li, G Wang, G Liu. 2014. Estimating the wet-end section of soil water retention curve by using the dry-end section. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 78(6), 1878-1883.

12.   Lazouskaya V, LP Wang, D Or, G Wang, JL Caplan, and Y Jin*. 2013. Colloid mobilization by fluid displacement fronts in channels. J Colloid Interf Sci. 406, 44-50.

11.  Wang G and D Or*. 2013. Hydration dynamics promote bacterial coexistence on rough surfaces. The ISME Journal. 7, 395.

10.  Wang G and D Or*. 2012. A hydration-based biophysical index for the onset of soil microbial coexistence. Scientific Reports. 2, 881. doi: 10.1038/srep00881.

9.      Dechesne A, G Wang, G Gülez, D Or and BF Smets*. 2010. Hydration controlled bacterial motility and dispersal on surfaces. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107, 14369.

8.    Wang G and D Or*, 2010. Aqueous films limit bacterial motility and colony expansion on partially saturated rough surfaces. Environmental Microbiology. 12, 1363.


7.   Mu Y, HQ Yu*, G Wang. 2007. Evaluation of three methods for enriching H-2-producing cultures from anaerobic sludge. Enzyme Microb Technol. 40, 947.

6.     Mu Y, HQ Yu*, G Wang. 2007. A kinetic approach to anaerobic hydrogen-producing process. Water Res. 41, 1152.

5.      Mu Y, G Wang, HQ Yu*. 2006. Kinetic modeling of batch hydrogen production process by mixed anaerobic cultures. Bioresour Technol. 97, 1302.

4.      Mu Y, G Wang, HQ Yu*. 2006. Response surface methodological analysis on biohydrogen production by enriched anaerobic cultures. Enzyme Microb Technol. 38, 905.

3.      Mu Y, HQ Yu*, G Wang. 2006. Permeabilities of anaerobic CH4-producing granules. Water Res. 40, 1811.

2.      Wang G, Y Mu, HQ Yu*. 2005. Response surface analysis to evaluate the influence of pH, temperature and substrate concentration on the acidogenesis of sucrose-rich wastewater. Biochem Eng J. 23, 175.

1.      Hu ZH, G Wang, HQ Yu*. 2004. Anaerobic degradation of cellulose by rumen microorganisms at various pH values. Biochem Eng J. 21, 59.

1.      Fu RQ, TW Xu*, G Wang, WH Yang, and ZX Pan. 2003. PEG-catalytic water splitting in the interface of a bipolar membrane. J Colloid Interf Sci. 263, 386.



73 Wang G. Small scale water dynamics drives microbial biophysical interactions and ecology. The 4th ISMC Conference. May 7-10, 2024, Tian Jin, China (Invited Presentation)

72  王钢. 微生物眼中的界面互作过程及微生态. 河海大学特邀学术报告. 202457日,河海大学,南京(特邀报告)

71    王钢. 微观界面微生物互作机制及微生态. 第九届全国生态毒理大会. 2024428-30日,扬州(特邀分论坛主旨报告)

70 王钢. 微观水分影响微生物种群互作与微生态. 第一届全国地下水资源与生态环境大会. 2024412-15日,武汉(特邀分论坛主旨报告)

69 王钢. 微生物视野中的生物物理过程与微生态. 2024全国健康土壤生态与植物营养生理学术论坛. 2024119-21, 三亚 (主旨报告)

68    王钢. 不可思议的土壤微生物多样性与微生态. 南京林业大学学术报告. 20231218, 南京林业大学, 南京(特邀报告)

67    王钢. 不可思议的土壤微生物多样性与微生态——计算机仿真模拟与原位观测. 20231130, 华东师范大学, 上海(特邀报告)

66    王钢. 微生物视野中微观水文物理与互作过程. 第十二届全国环境化学大会. 20231118, 武汉(主旨报告)

65    王钢. 细菌视野的微观界面过程与微生态. 华中农业大学生态环境与绿色发展高端论坛(45期). 20231117, 华中农业大学, 武汉(特邀报告)

64    王钢. 土壤生态系统微观界面过程与微生态. 第八届全国土壤生态与健康农业学术研讨会. 20231020-22, 杭州(特邀报告)

63    王钢. 细菌视野的微观界面过程与微生态. 20231013, 中国热带农业科学院, 海口(特邀报告)

62    王钢. 微观水文物理下微生态过程与功能. 中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会2023学术年会暨“土壤物理与健康耕地培育”研讨会. 202386, 杭州(特邀报告)

61    王钢 . 微观水文物理视角下环境微生态. 第七届陆地生态系统青年学者研讨会. 2023728-30 , 林芝(特邀报告)

60    王钢. 微生物微观界面过程与功能. 第二届地理资源青年创新论坛. 202368-10, 北京(特邀报告)

59    王钢. 微生物界面过程与地表生态系统功能. 鲁东大讲坛. 202366, 鲁东大学, 烟台(特邀报告)

58    王钢 . 土壤微观生物物理和生物化学过程及应用技术初探. 第三界全国土壤分析技术研讨会. 2023524-26, 重庆(特邀报告)

57    王钢. Microscale physicochemical dynamics shape microbial population interactions and functionality. 第八届青年地学论坛. 202355-8, 武汉(特邀报告)

56    王钢 . Land-Water-Food-Climate Challenges & Solutions. 瑞士联邦水科学与技术研究所(EAWAG, 2023424, 瑞士杜本多夫(特邀报告)

55    王钢 . An Intensified Collaborative Network for Land-Water-Food-Climate Challenges. 国际应用系统分析研究所BNR Seminar, 2023420, Laxenburg, 奥地利(特邀报告)

54    王钢. 当微观水文物理遇见微生物. 中国土壤学会土壤生物和生化专业委员会2023年会议暨“土壤生物与土壤健康研讨会”, 2023417, 千岛湖(特邀报告)

53    王钢. 土壤生物地球化学过程与碳中和可持续发展. 2022年油气微生物地球化学技术研讨会.无锡石油地质研究所, 20221125-27, 无锡(特邀报告)

52    王钢.  土壤微观生物地球化学过程解析及生态效应. 西安理工大学. 20221111. 西安(特邀报告)

51    王钢. 土壤微观生物地球化学过程与可持续农业发展. 中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 2022824, 南京(特邀报告)

50    王钢. 土壤生物地球化学微观界面过程与可持续农业发展. 西北农林科技大学. 202284. 西安-杨凌(特邀报告)

49    王钢. 土壤生物地球化学微观界面过程与功能. 中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会2022年会. 202283. 西安(特邀报告)

48    王钢. 土壤生物地球化学微观界面过程与可持续农业发展. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所. 2022723. 沈阳(特邀报告)

47    王钢. 微观生物地球化学过程与碳中和可持续农业. 浙江农林大学. 2022623. 杭州-临安(特邀报告)

46    王钢. 土壤健康夯实农业绿色发展. 中国自然资源部土地工程技术创新中心2021年度学术年会. 20211216. 北京(特邀报告)

45    王钢. 微观水文物理过程调控微生物群落结构及水平基因迁移. 第七次全国土壤生态与健康学术研讨会. 2021116-7. 南昌  (特邀报告)

44    王钢. 土壤微观生物地球化学过程与功能. 第七届青年地学论坛. 202179-11. 贵阳  (特邀报告)

43    王钢. 微观生物地球化学过程与碳中和可持续农业. 中国土壤学会土壤生物和生化专业委员会2021年会. 2021621. 合肥(特邀报告)

42    王钢. 微生物视野下的生物地球化学过程. 第二届全国土壤分析技术研讨会. 2021526-29. 敦煌. (特邀报告)

41    王钢. 微观生物地球化学过程与碳中和可持续农业. 中国农业大学苏州有机循环研究院. 2021514. 苏州(特邀报告)

40    王钢. 微生物在微观界面的活动与互作过程. 宁波大学. 202149. 宁波. (特邀报告)

39    王钢. Micro-hydrophysical Processes Regulate Soil Microbial Interactions and Functions. 2020128. 伯明翰大学IMI Lecture, 英国伯明翰大学. (特邀报告)

38    王钢. 土壤健康夯实绿色农业. 20201128, 2020中国农业绿色发展高峰论坛, 南京. (特邀主旨报告)

37    Wang G. Microbial Interactions at Small-scales Biogeointerfaces and Ecological Functions. October 24, 2020. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. (特邀报告)

36    Wang G. Micro-hydrophysical Processes Regulate Soil Microbial Interactions and Functions. July 2, 2019. Workshop on Improving Water and Nutrient Utilization and Salinity Control in Arid and Semi-arid Regions. Beijing. (特邀报告)

35    王钢. 微观尺度环境微生物界面互作过程机制及生态效应. 齐鲁工业大学. 2019617. 济南. (特邀报告)

34    Wang G. Microbial biophysicochemical process and roxarsone biotransformation. June 14, 2019. 8th Geomicrobiology Conference, Qingdao. (特邀报告)

33    王钢. 环境微生物界面互作过程与生态功能. 2019531. 第十三届吉林省科协青年科学家论坛. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春. (特邀报告)

32    王钢. 环境微生物微观界面过程及生态效应. 2019530. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳. (特邀报告)

31 Wang G. Microbial Interactions at Soil Pore-Water-Air Interfaces and Functions. Jan. 09, 2019. South China Normal University, Guangzhou. (特邀报告)

30 Wang G. Soil Microbial Activity and Interactions at Pore-Water-Air Interfaces: Modelling and Observations. Jan. 10, 2019. Guangdong Institute of Eco-Environmental Science & Technology, Guangzhou. (特邀报告)

29    王钢. Micro-hydrophysical Processes Shape Soil Microbial Activity and Functions. 20181222. 北京大学生态讲坛2018”,特邀报告.

28    Wang G. Soil microbial interactions at water-solid-air interfaces and ecological functions. Nov. 10, 2018. Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha. (特邀报告)

27    Wang G. Micro-physicochemical processes shape soil bacterial activity and functions. Oct. 30, 2018. Soil Chemistry Anural Meeting, Soil Science Society of China, Guiyang. (特邀报告)

26    Wang G. Microbes-environment interactions and ecological functions. Oct. 26, 2018. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou. (特邀报告)

25    Wang G. Environmental microbiology processes: agent-based modelling and applications. Sept. 28, 2018. The 355th Young Scientists Forum of the China Science and Technology Society. Xuzhou, China. (特邀报告)

24    Wang G. Environmental microbial biophysical processes at microscale interfaces and their ecological implications. June 27, 2018. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. (特邀报告)

23    Wang G. Environmental biophysics processes at micropore interface. June 4, 2018. Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. (特邀报告)

22    Wang G. Microscale Soil-Microbe Interactions & Bioremediation. May 25, 2018. 2018 Sino-US Soil Remediation High Level Symposium, Weifang, China. (特邀报告)

21    Wang G. Impacts of soil micro-hydrophysicochemical processes on microbial diversity and their ecological functions. April 3, 2018. Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China. (特邀报告)

20    Wang G. Micro-hydro-biophysical Processes Shape Microbial Activity and Functions in Terrestrial Ecosystem. June 18, 2017. Shihezi University, Shihezi. (特邀报告)

19    Wang G. Soil Microbes−Environment Interactions and Impacts on Microbial Diversit. June 13, 2017. Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi. (特邀报告)

18    Wang G. Micro-hydro-physical Processes Determine Soil Microbial Life Form. Sept. 16, 2015. Institute of Applied Ecology, Shenyang. (特邀报告)

17    Wang G. Hydro-physical Processes Shape Microbial Life form in Subsurface Soil. April 15, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. (特邀报告)

16   Wang G. Soil microbial diversity and links with organic farming. Jan. 11, 2015. Biodiversity and Organic Farming Annual Forum, China Agricultural University, Beijing. (特邀报告)

15   Wang G. Exploring microbial life on unsaturated soil surfaces. Feb. 27, 2014. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. (特邀报告)

14   Wang G. Biophysical processes shape microbial life form. 2013.12, China Agricultural University, Beijing. (特邀报告)

13    Wang G, Dani Or. Micro-scale Hydrological Processes Shape Microbial Life Form in Subsurface. July 10, 2013. China Agricultural University, Beijing. (特邀报告)

12    Wang G. Micro-hydrophysical processes influence soil microbial diversity. 2014.08, China Soil Physics Annual Meeting 2014 - Advances in Soil Physics and Ecological Security. Guilin, Guangxi.

11  Wang G and D Or. Trophic interaction and emergence of self-organized bacterial consortia on rough surface. FEMS 2013, 5th Congress of European Microbiologists, Leipzig, Germany, 2013.

10  Wang G and D Or. Self-organization of microbial consortia via trophic interactions on hydrated rough surfaces. ISME14 Roundtable meeting, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.

9 Smets, B. F., Kreft, J-U., Or, D., Dechesne, A., Gulez, G., Lardon, L., Merkey, B., Seoane, J., & Wang, G. (2012). Micro-scale spatial expansion of microbial cells and mobile genetic elements. Paper presented at 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Denmark.

8      Wang G and D Or. A biophysical index for predicting hydration-mediated microbial diversity in soils. EGU2012, 2012, Vienna, Austria.

7      Wang G and D Or. Hydration-induced diffusion and motility constraints promote microbial diversity in unsaturated soil. ZHydro seminar 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.

6      Wang G and D Or. Constrained motility and nutrient diffusion shape bacterial colony morphology on partially hydrated rough surfaces. FEMS2011, 2011, Geneva, Switzerland.

5      Wang G and D Or. Hydration affects motility and nutrient diffusion and governs microbial coexistence on rough surfaces. CESAR 2010, 2010, Viborg, Denmark. 

4      Wang G and D Or. Heterogeneous diffusion of two nutrients shape growth and dispersal patterns of competing bacterial species grown on partially saturated rough surfaces. RAISEBIO2010, 2010, Leipzig, Germany.

3      Wang G and D Or. Hydration effects on microbial motility and coexistence on unsaturated rough surfaces. SGM2009, 2009, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

2      Wang G and D Or. Microbial Growth and Coexistence on Diffusion-limited Unsaturated Rough Surfaces. EGU2009, 2009, Vienna, Austria.

1   Wang G and D Or. Capillarity and Liquid Configuration Limit Bacterial Motility on Unsaturated Rough Surfaces. AGU2008, 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA.