姓名:朱堃 |
性别:男 |
职称:副教授 |
Email:kunzhu@cau.edu.cn |
办公电话:13651148113 |
办公地址:资环楼4区416室 |
2002.09-2006.07 中国科学技术大学 化学系 本科 理学学士
2007.03-2010.02 韩国首尔国立大学 农业生物科技学系 农学硕士
2011.03-2014.11 丹麦哥本哈根大学 土壤与环境学系 理学博士
2014.12–2015.12 丹麦哥本哈根大学 植物与环境学系 助研
2016.10- 2017.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 讲师
2018.01- 中国农业大学 土地科学与技术学院 副教授
1. 土壤-肥料-根系交互作用下的碳氮循环
2. 温室气体排放与农业废弃物循环利用
1. 十三五重点研发计划子课题“生物炭对土壤有机质的影响机制”(2017-2020)
2. 青年教师创新项目“Spatial Variation In Microbial Processes Controlling greenhouse gas emissions from soil with organic amendments” (2017-2019)
1. Ye X, Ran HY, Wang X, Li GT, Ambus P, Wang G, Zhu K. 2023. Delayed nitrogen application after straw and charred straw addition altered the hot moment of soil N2O emissions. European Journal of Soil Science. Accepted Author Manuscript e13349.
2. Ran HY, Wang Y, Wei KY, Liu Y, Wang G, Zhu K. 2023. Spatial and temporal changes of charosphere hotspots with or without nitrogen additions. Biochar 5, 49.
3. Wang Y, Zhu K, Chen X, Wei KY, Wu R, Wang G. 2024. Stochastic and deterministic assembly processes of bacterial communities in different soil aggregates. Applied Soil Ecology. 193: 105153.
1. Zhu K, Ran HY, Wang FF, Ye X, Niu LG, Schulin R, Wang G. 2022. Conservation tillage facilitated soil carbon sequestration through diversified carbon conversions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 377: 108080.
2. 王燕, 阮楚晋, 谢文琳, 朱堃, 陈国炜, 刘莹, 王钢. 2022. 微观水分和养分条件对铜绿假单胞菌的噬菌体裂解宿主过程的影响. 土壤学报.(已接受)
3. 吴汉卿, 阮楚晋, 万炜, 李胜龙, 裴丁仪, 韩苗, 陈国炜, 刘莹, 朱堃, 王钢. 2022. 基于知识图谱分析的土壤氮循环功能基因研究进展. 土壤学报.(已接受)
4. 韩苗, 阮楚晋, 韩峥, 魏芯蕊, 刘莹, 朱堃, 王钢.2022. 空间组织模式:微生物群落组装的“游戏”规则.微生物学通报.(已接受)
5. Kun Zhu, Xin Ye, Hongyu Ran, Peixuan Zhang, Gang Wang*. 2022. Contrasting effects of straw and biochar on microscale heterogeneity of soil O2 and pH: Implication for N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 108564.
1. Ruan CJ, Niu XY, Xiong GZ, Chen GW, Wu HQ, Ma ZC, Zhu K, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2021. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the new Bacillus cereus phage SWEP1. Archives of Virology, 166(11): 3183-3188.
2. 阮楚晋, 熊广州, 牛欣尧, 陈国炜, 吴汉卿, 马泽超, 朱堃, 刘莹, 王钢*. 2021. 一个东北农田黑土样品宏病毒组的初步分析. 土壤学报.(已接受)
3. Du MY, Wang L, Ebrahimi A, Chen GW Shu SY, Zhu K, Shen CY, Li BG, Wang G*. 2021. Extracellular polymeric substances induced cell-surface interactions facilitate bacteria transport in saturated porous. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 218: 112291.
1. Yang, X. Y., Duan, P. P., Li, G. T., Zhao, X. R., Lin, Q. M., Zhu, K. 2020. Spatial-heterogeneous granulation of organic amendments and chemical fertilizer stimulated N2O emissions from agricultural soil: An microcosm study. Journal of Environmental Management. 277(1): 111437.
2. Wang Y, Chen G, Sun Y, Zhu K, Jin Y, Li B, Wang G*. 2020. Different agricultural practices specify bacterial community compositions in the soil rhizosphere and root zone. Soil Ecology Letters (Accepted)
1. Zhu, K., Bruun, S., Jensen, L. S. 2016 Nitrogen transformations in and N2O emissions from soil amended with manure solids and nitrification inhibitor. European Journal of Soil Science. 67(6): 792-803.
2. Christel, W., Zhu, K., Hoefer, C., Kreuzeder, A., Santner, J., Bruun, S., Magid, J., Jensen, L. S. 2016. Applying manure solids and biochar to nutrient depleted soil – studying spatial and temporal changes in nutrient availability, soil oxygen dynamics and influence on greenhouse gas emissions. The Science of Total Environment 554-550): 119-129.
1. Zhu, K., Larsen, M., Glud, R. N., Bruun, S., Jensen, L. S. 2015. Heterogeneity of O2 dynamics in soil amended with animal manure and implications for greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 84: 96-106.
2. Sommer, Sven G.; Hjorth, Maibritt; Leahy, J.J.; Zhu, K.; Christel, W.; S?rensen, C.G.; Sutaryo, S. 2015. Pig slurry characteristics, nutrient balance and biogas production as affected by separation and acidification. Journal of Agricultural Science. 153:177-191.
1. Zhu, K., Christel. W, Bruun, S., Jensen, L. S. 2014. The different effects of applying fresh, composted or charred manure on soil N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 74: 61-69.
2. Zhu, K., Larsen, M., Glud, R. N., Bruun, S., Jensen, L. S. 2014. Spatial oxygen distribution and nitrous oxide emissions from soil after manure application - A novel approach using planar optodes. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43: 1809-1812.
1. Yao, H. Q., Choi, H. L., Zhu, K. & Lee, J. H. 2011. Key volatile organic compounds emitted from swine nursery house. Atmospheric Environment 45(15): 2577-2584.
1. Yao, H. Q., Choi, H. L., Lee, J. H., Suresh, A. & Zhu, K. 2010. Effect of microclimate on particulate matter, airborne bacteria, and odorous compounds in swine nursery houses. Journal of Animal Science 88(11): 3707-3714.
1. Zhu, K., Choi, H. L., Yao, H. Q., Suresh, A., Oh, D. I. Effects of Anaerobically Digested Pig Slurry Application on Runoff and Leachate. 2009. Chemistry and Ecology. 25(5): 359-369.