
Mingxin Liu


Name: Mingxin Liu

Email: 18714426599@163.com

2023.9 -               Master's degree in Resource Utilization and Plant Protection at the College of Land Science and Technology , China Agricultural University.

2019.9 - 2023.7   Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Resources and Environment at the College of Agriculture , Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University.


I am from Heilongjiang Province, I have the knowledge and ability of soil science after undergraduate study, and I am currently interested in soil microbiology, hoping to study in-depth at the graduate level and make progress with everyone. 

Honours and awards:

"Merit Student" of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University.

"Excellent League Member"of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University.

Third prize in the Soil and Plant Nutrition Knowledge and Skills Competition